Learn how to install the Disco plugin in your WooCommerce store and offer various customized discounts to maximize sales through this guide.
Disco – the All-in-One WooCommerce Discount plugin has two versions –
How to Install the Disco Plugin Free Version: #
1. Go to Plugins>>Add New Plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Search for the “Disco” Plugin.
3. Click “Install Now” to Install the plugin.
4. Activate the Plugin.
How to Install the Disco Plugin Pro Version: #
1. First, Purchase and Download the Disco Plugin.
2. From your WordPress Dashboard, Go to Plugins>>Add New Plugin.
3. Click on “Upload Plugin”.
4. Select “Choose Plugin” and upload the recently downloaded plugin.
5. Click on the “Install Now” button.
6. Once you activate the pro version, you will need to provide your license key. You will find the license key in the Downloads section of our site’s My Account Page.
7. To provide the license key, go to Disco>>License.
7. Provide the license key, select the License (Subscription) type, and Click on “Activate License”.
8. That’s all! Disco Pro Plugin will be activated successfully.