Cart intent discounts are discounts that are applied based on the contents of the customer’s shopping cart as a whole. It can be based on the total amount or the number of items in the cart.
Now, Disco – the Dynamic Discount plugin helps to set up cart discounts in your WooCommerce store easily and quickly.
For example, let’s set up a $30 discount when the cart total exceeds a certain amount ($100).
Creating Cart-Intent WooCommerce Discounts Using Disco
Click on the Disco menu from the left side of the WordPress Panel and select “Create a Discount”.
Enter the name of your discount and choose the “Cart” option.
Select “All Products” in the Discount section as we will be applying it to every product in the store.
However, if you go for specific products then click on ‘Few Products’ and simply search for your products. Then, select the desired ones.
To apply this discount for a specific time period, set the start and end date and time in the “Valid Between” fields.
Next up, to apply a fixed WooCommerce cart discount of $30, choose the “Fixed” option in the Cart Rules section and enter your amount. Remember that, you can also select Percentage or fixed discounts per cart item as well.
- Percentage Discount: Offers a discount based on a percentage of the price.
- Fixed Discount: Provides a specific, fixed amount discount.
- Fixed Discount Per Cart Item: Applies a specific, fixed discount amount to each item in the cart individually.
Now, let’s set a condition where customers must spend a minimum amount to receive the discount.
For instance, to get the flat $30 discount, the customer needs to purchase at least $100 worth of products. To achieve this, you’ll need to add a condition.
What makes Disco really unique for WooCommerce cart discounts is that you can set up different conditions based on the cart’s price, items, weight, etc.
Now, select the “Cart Subtotal” condition.
After that, to provide a discount for amounts of at least $100, choose the “Greater Than or Equal” option and enter the minimum amount($100) in the value box.
Once you are done with all these, click on the “Save & Exit” Button.
That’s it! The discount campaign will be created and launched.
As soon as the cart subtotal crosses the $100, it will automatically apply a fixed cart discount.
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